Running is without a doubt the world’s most accessible sport.. Although almost anyone can run, that doesn't mean that it doesn't require preparation, whether it's physical or with a minimum of equipment. Moreover, running is a complex sport: short or long distance? Interval running or not? Alone or in a group? The possibilities are endless!
First Step: The Warm-up
Avant toute chose, il est important de s’échauffer avant de commencer sa course. Par échauffement, on parle de mouvements légers pour faire monter ton rythme cardiaque pendant environ 5 minutes. Ça peut être des jumping jack, des petits sauts ou même de la course sur place, tant que tu sens que ton corps commence tranquillement à travailler. De cette façon, tu réduis les chances de blessure en préparant adéquatement tes muscles à courir.
Have Good Technique
Another way to reduce the risk of injury is, of course, to have good technique. I recommend that you see a specialist who can give you personalized advice, but here are a few tips that will help you:
- Look ahead when you run (this will prevent you from looking down and having bad posture)
- Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth
- Relax and let your muscles unwind (tightening your fists, your jaw and/or your shoulders will only make you burn energy for nothing)
What About the Equipment?
One of the biggest positives of this sport is that it doesn't require a lot of specialized equipment. However, there are some things to consider before you start to get the most out of your warm up and avoid injuries.
Running Shoes
Probably the most important piece of equipment! Just as there are different kinds of runners (experienced VS beginner, flat VS incline running, road VS mountain trail, etc.), there are just as many kinds of running shoes. I know, it can get confusing. My very first word of advice is to turn to an expert in store who can advise you according to your habits and your level of practice.
Compression Socks
I admit that this is for the really serious runners. We know that this sport can have negative impacts on the body over time (especially if you don't have a good technique!), so these socks will offer some muscle protection by providing additional support. To choose the right socks for you, choose ones that are comfortable to wear, flexible, lightweight and offer good ventilation.
Dressing Properly
No matter what season you are running in, it is important to be dressed appropriately. For a season like spring when you're looking forward to being outside, but it's still pretty cold, it's ideal to think in terms of layers, so that you can remove or add layers depending on the situation. Here are a few essentials:
A Good Windbreaker
Because it's as light as anything and allows you to breathe, it's the finishing layer to have on you. If you're cold, you can always wear a merino wool base layer, for example, underneath, but be careful not to get too hot either when your heart starts beating more and more with physical effort! That's why finding a material that breathes is essential.
The Sports Bras That Offers Support
Your bust size is important but for fuller busts, it’s that much more important. A good sports bra will offer support that doesn’t budge while you’re moving which reduces impact, discomfort and pain.
o find out how to choose the right bra, there’s a complete article on the subject right here!(Yes, it's that important!)
Leggings for Colder Days
In the spring, regular workout leggings are all you need. Winter is when it gets tougher and you may need to wear thicker leggings, lined and brushed inside. You need to make sure they stay in place, either with a drawstring waist or tape (nothing more uncomfortable than constantly pulling them up) and that you are comfortable when you move.
Shorts for Warmer Days
Most shorts designed for running will have an inner lining and even openings on the sides to maximize comfort and freedom of movement and are more tapered at the knee or are 2-in-1; shorts and compression shorts inside. Again, you want a fabric that is breathable and dries fast, especially for warmer days!
There are many online running programs available for all types of runners, so all you need to do is follow one to get started. Also, if you want to make sure you keep track of your workouts, I recommend using a platform like Strava that will allow you to keep track of your performance... and you don't have to share them with your friends, it can also be just for you! How about meeting up and going for a run?