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Choosing Golf as a Summer Sport: 4 Health Benefits

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Choosing Golf as a Summer Sport: 4 Health Benefits

2 minutes reading

by Sports Experts - May 27, 2020

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Although often shunned by the younger crowd, golf is a game enjoyed around the world and a social activity that one can discover at any age. It is easy on the body and comes with benefits that go above and beyond the physical—from getting your daily dose of vitamin D to being with friends, taking a swing, and going for long walks. What could be better!

The best part? Social distancing or not, you can still get in your golf practice. Here are a few reasons to get out on the green:


Help your cardiovascular system with regular golf games

Don’t be fooled into thinking golf isn’t a real sport that expends energy! According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week has positive physical and mental health benefits for adults aged 18 to 64. A 18-hole round of golf averages 270 minutes, with plenty of walking around. Over time, playing golf helps to prevent certain kinds of cardiovascular disease and supports good overall health.


Stimulate your happy hormones

L’équation est fort simple : la pratique régulière d’une activité physique aide à produire les hormones du bonheur (les fameuses endorphines) qui permettent entre autres de diminuer votre niveau d’anxiété. Bien que ce bienfait puisse être ressenti quasi instantanément, sur le long terme il peut aussi aider à votre humeur de tous les jours ainsi qu’à la qualité de votre sommeil.


Improve your concentration

A round of golf is said to require meditation-like levels of concentration. Before you hit the ball, you have to stop and think about a number of details, from how to position your hips and upper body to wind speed, how hard to swing, and more.

The biggest challenge in golf is the ability to calculate these variables to ensure every swing hits the ball just the right way. If a golfer’s swing looks easy, it’s because a lot of hours of training and concentration have gone into getting it just right.


Benefit from a low risk of injury

This moderate-intensity sport comes with a very low risk of injury. You can even practice to help improve your joints, balance, and muscle tone. Remember however that “low risk” does not mean “no risk,” and make sure you swing with care. The technical aspects of golf are not to be taken lightly!

When it comes to golf equipment for beginners, many golf clubs offer daily rentals so you can try your hand at the sport. Then when you fall in love with golf, be sure to pass by Sports Experts to purchase your own equipment!

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