Located just minutes from the metropolitan area, the Oka National Park stands out for its rich natural heritage. The trails offer a variety of hiking experiences. The beginners will turn to the Érablière or La Grande Baie, which offer breathtaking views of maple groves, and the colors they display in the fall. The experienced kikers will choose with enthousiasm La Sauvagine, a 11.8 km hike, which culminates on an unobstructed view of the Lake of Two Mountains and its soothing panorama.
Hikers are definitely pampered in Quebec. There are more than 200 trails to choose from, scattered throughout many regions. There are is something for everyone; beginner, amateur or experienced.
With all the beautiful and accessible trails, hikers have plenty of great choices. But to really discover them, what could be better than putting on your shoes, filling your water bottle and going out to visit one of these superb sites, listed on the SEPAQ website.
Wishing you a fantastic hike!