Outfits and accessories to practise yoga at home!


“Yoga is a movement art that teaches us to stop trying to control everything and stay relaxed.

Yoga is a dance that enables us to get out of our comfort zone while being gentle to our body.

Yoga is much more than just postures on a mat. It is a philosophy of life that teaches us to understand and live better with our ecosystem both internally and externally.”

- Virginie Goudreault, founder and editor-in-chief of blondstory.com

Before the upcoming Lolë White Tour at Parc Jean-Drapeau in Montreal on August 17th, we asked our ambassador Virginie Goudreault (founder and editor-in-chief of blondstory.com) to share some tips for practising yoga at home.                                    

Since most of her practice takes place at home, where she has most often practised her Asana routines, we thought she was well equipped to share with you how yoga is now a part of her life, especially after her yoga teacher training with Juna Yoga.

Read the full article here and learn more about her favourite outfits and accessories for practising yoga at home.

Below, you will find her choice of 6 products to feel well, beautiful and strong, all qualities that motivate her to be active but above all support her practice: "If there is one thing I have learned from sport throughout my life, it is that when you are well equipped you are often more motivated to move! The same applies to accessories. They are too often labelled for ‘beginners’ but they are actually the reason for our comfort, our performance and enable us to better know our limits. Here are some of the favourite items found on the Sports Experts website, tested and approved to inspire you!"

 Here are Blondstory's favourites for yoga at home!